Artist’s rendering of WGS-11+


  • Get REAL

    During his weekly teleconference, General C. Robert Kehler, commander of Air Force Space Command, asked his wing commanders to focus on leadership during their commander's calls. He felt Airmen need to emphasize leadership more and hold each other accountable for instilling leadership. I've heard

  • An opportunity to lead

    About a week ago, an issue occurred regarding an operational deployment that required immediate intervention from my Crew Force Management Flight. When I requested information from the flight, it wasn't the flight commander, noncommissioned officer in charge or even a flight NCO who forwarded the

  • Far away from the edge

    The 11th Space Warning Squadron is a geographically separated unit under the 460th Operations Group. As a GSU at Schriever, much of what we do may not be visible to the personnel on Buckley AFB. Sometimes that's frustrating and sometimes it's rather convenient. Ordinarily we prefer to keep our

  • When life has you down

    Stress comes in many shapes and sizes. Perhaps your struggle is with your friends. They may put pressure on you to do things you don't want to do. Perhaps your struggle is at work. You don't feel like you can keep up and when you try, no one even notices. Perhaps your struggle is with family. It is

  • Hands -- a gateway to germs

    Germs can make life a heck of a lot tougher. Germs are simply undesired bacteria, viruses, protozoans and parasites. They're unavoidable in everyday life. In fact, our immune system needs to be kept on its toes by fighting small battles with germs to keep in good fitness. Some experts believe too

  • Seat belts saved my children, my life

    On April 22 at about 5:10 p.m. I experienced every parent's nightmare -- a major motor vehicle accident with my children in the car. I was on my way to drop off our 8- and 6-year-old children with my husband before reporting to work when a car ran a red light and slammed head on into my vehicle. I

  • Don't brain dump before the ORI

    Finally it's here. All the preparation, planning, sweat, tears and putting up with the annoyance of being locked in a building for four hours trying to figure out how to put plastic on the ceiling vents. The Operational Readiness Inspection. The Evil Empire. It's finally here. Does this mean I can

  • A day in the life of a first sergeant

    How can dealing with hundreds of people's issues and concerns be the best job in the Air Force?A day in the life of a first sergeant is a hectic one filled with juggling priorities. Our highest priority is taking care of people. That's what we do and why our job exists. Our mission in life is to

  • Are You Ready?

    We serve in an aerospace expeditionary force and we are often called on short-notice to deploy in our nation's defense. Our ability to rapidly deploy is dependent on our readiness status. There are three key ingredients required for a successful deployment: training, physical fitness and supervisory

  • 2007 - year in reflection

    We are two months into the new year and let me proclaim, "excellence!" That's the most appropriate word I can think of to describe what you've accomplished for your nation this past year and what I expect from you in the future. Your phenomenal service is evident through so many examples. In the 2nd