Artist’s rendering of WGS-11+


  • Attitude is everything

    It has been widely reported over the years that a positive attitude is the number one trait for success among leaders. I have observed throughout my 26 years of service in the U.S. Air Force that the vast majority of leaders and mentors I have known, who have helped mold and shape me into the person

  • Public Affairs turns to a new way of doing business

    Today's edition of the Mile High Guardian is the last issue of Buckley Air Force Base's newspaper. The 460th Space Wing Public Affairs Office will still continue to write Buckley-specific news stories, features, viewpoints and star performers. But now, stories will be located on Buckley's new Web

  • What 9-11 taught us about service

    Think back to how you felt after 9/11. Even if you did not have any personal impact, or had known someone personally affected, you probably had some sort of reaction based on your exposure to the events and your own patriotism. Times like that tend to motivate us into action -- we feel better if we

  • Perception, appearance is reality

    Appearances can be deceiving. We should all endeavor to avoid the appearance of impropriety, meaning, we should avoid actions that create the appearance of violating the law or ethical standards. This is a problem we all deal with in the military, especially as we progress up through the ranks. As

  • Five years ago ... An Airman's account of a nation's crisis

    Five years ago, my friends and I woke up in a stupor - eyes crusty, heads pounding - grasping for the nearest potable liquid to quench our dehydration from the prior night's festivities. Five years ago, the crisp, early morning Texas air compelled us to turn the TV on to gauge the day's forecast.

  • You are the future - lead the future

    There are defining moments in life that impact you, and the lives of those who are fortunate, or perhaps unfortunate, to be around you when you decide to choose wisely or unwisely. I am talking to you, current and future first-line supervisors, who are, or will be, charged with leading our most

  • Are we the best leaders we can be

    Many of us struggle with the question "are we the best supervisor and/or leader we can be?" After all, we have a tremendous responsibility to train those who will take our place and to maintain our status as the greatest military on the planet. I've thought about leadership many times in my nearly

  • Think abou the positive aspects in life

    How many times have you walked down a hall and overheard somebody say, "I hate this place," or "This place stinks," or some other phrase expressing their dislike for their current assignment? Maybe you have expressed this type of sentiment yourself. It's perfectly normal for everyone at one time or

  • Serving in the Air Force 8th SWS style

    Did you know that a large percentage of the 460th Space Wing's operational mission is conducted by Guardsmen and Reservists? Air Force Space Command's newest wing, the 460th SW was designed out of the Total Force approach from the ground-up. This construct makes the 460th SW unique among other AFSPC

  • Customs, courtesy reminders in the Information Age

    Have you ever told your supervisor that you challenge his or her integrity and refuse to comply when they give you a direct order? How about skipping echelon management when you hit a brick wall -- you immediately escalate the issue four rungs up the chain? Neither example is acceptable. Both