First year of preventing red dots

  • Published
  • By Airman Holden S. Faul

In 2016, the U.S. Air Force adopted Green Dot with high-hopes of reducing all power-based personal violence.

This month marks the completion of year one of the five-year strategy plan on Buckley Air Force Base.

Being that this program was a new concept for all members on base, the first year was an introduction phase.

“The first year was solely focused on addressing power-based interpersonal violence,” stated Laurie Webb, 460th Force Support Squadron military work life consultant and Green Dot facilitator.

Green Dot replaced the annual Sexual Assault Prevention and Response briefings which were a previous requirement for all base members. Because sexual assault is only one example of violence the Air Force is attempting to minimize, Green Dot training has been much more effective by targeting all aspects of violence.

According to the Green Dot implementers, this program has proved itself as successful as expected.

“So far, it has been effective,” said Staff Sgt. Ashley Arnold, 460th Civil Engineer Squadron requirements and optimization NCO in charge and Green Dot facilitator. “I have seen people in my own unit who have intervened in situations.”

Green Dot is changing the culture of just being a “bystander”. The program eliminates all titles and shows individuals that anyone is capable of stepping up, in a way they’re comfortable to, and assist with preventing violent situations from escalating.

“In the older SAPR briefings, I have walked away feeling, as a woman, I am a victim; there was a lot of focus on what to wear, say or do,” said Arnold. “While I recognize that anyone could be a victim or perpetrator, I appreciate that Green Dot focuses on behaviors instead of people. I think it’s key to ensure that we are enabling everyone to do something and not labeling anyone.”

Green Dot has provided a new, exciting way to deliver that same SAPR message.

“People are finding this training refreshing and empowering,” said Webb. “People seem to be excited about contributing their part to the culture change.”

Team Buckley and the Green Dot implementers have seen great success so far, and have no intention of slowing down.

“We created a culture where people are excited about the program and encouraging everyone to get involved,” said Arnold.

For the second year of this plan, Green Dot facilitators have decided to add suicide prevention into the briefing.

“We are trying to consolidate every aspect of violence, so we can eliminate the necessity of attending one separate briefing for each,” said Master Sgt. Richard Martinez, 460th Operations Group Det. 2 superintendent and Green Dot facilitator.