Frequently Asked Questions regarding COVID-19 at Buckley AFB

  • Published
  • By 460th Space Wing Public Affairs

This information is current as of 5:14 P.M. March 10

  • How long will the CDC be shut down and what does this mean for the children that go to A-Basin CDC?
  • Who is responsible for the cleaning of the daycare?
  • Were the children at the CDC yesterday?

    As a precautionary measure, Buckley Air Force Base, in coordination with the Tri-Counties Health Department (TCHD), elected to close the A Basin CDC until public health assessment and testing can be completed.  Even though the potentially exposed children were not in the CDC on Monday, there was concern that one of the children had contact with more than one room last week.  The CDC will be cleaned thoroughly which includes wiping down all surfaces inside and outside on the playgrounds with a Center for Disease Control (CDC) – approved cleaning solution.  The 460 SW is currently hiring a contract cleaning company to carry out the cleaning.  We are hoping that the Center will open in a few days. 


  • Some parents have children at both centers. Is there a possibility of both of them being closed for cleaning just to be on the safe side?
  • What about siblings who go to the other CDC? My oldest is at A-Basin and they won’t allow my youngest to come to crested butte?

    Currently there is no indication that the Crested Butte CDC has been exposed to the corona virus. However, this is an on-going and fluid situation.  If more cases present that indicate there has been cross contamination between the two Centers, we will then follow the guidance from Tri-Counties Public Health and our local 460 Medical Group as to exposure and cleaning.


  • Will A-Basin parents still be responsible for paying for the time their children cannot attend?

    Due to the nature of this issue, the Air Force Services Center (AFSVC) is allowing the CDC to credit back the days that children are not being cared for in the A-Basin CDC.  Therefore, parents will not be charged for the days that the CDC is closed.


  • What classroom?
    To protect the privacy of the family, we are not releasing any names or room numbers of the children. 


  • What resources are you offering the staff at the CDC?
    Currently the A-Basin CDC staff are on Administrative Leave and have been told not to report to work until the Center reopens. 


  • How long does the fever last for? Which hospitals are testing for the virus?
    Patients with COVID-19 have had mild to severe respiratory illness with symptoms of fever, cough and shortness of breath. The length of the symptoms varies by patient.
    Testing is accomplished at various network emergency rooms. Please call first.


  • Can they send out teams to test people in their homes rather than people going into places to get tested?

    They could, but are currently not doing this due to limited resources and manpower. There will be easier ways to test in the coming days but currently this is not an option.  


  • When was the CDC notified of this member or spouse getting tested BEFORE being positive? Why was HPCON only raised yesterday (9 March) if tests take days to come back?

    HPCON was raised yesterday due to people in a 25-mile radius of the base that had tested positive. There has not been a positive test on Buckley to date.  This includes the CDC. The 460th MDG was notified by the Tri-County Health Department late last night. Mitigation efforts began in the late last night and into the early hours this morning, with help from the Tri-County Health Department.  


  • If you have symptoms but don’t know that you’ve had contact with anyone, what are you supposed to do?

    Stay home if you’re sick. Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash. Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.


  • If my child has a cough or fever where do I get him tested?

    There are many different viruses that can cause cough and fever. There would not necessarily be a need to be tested. Again, currently there has not been a positive test on Buckley AFB. For a contact or a possible contact of someone with COVID-19, testing is not currently being recommended/performed.


  • Does anyone know where to get tested?

    All testing is currently taking place in Emergency Departments in the network. Buckley does not have testing resources/capabilities at this time. Again, please call your health care provider for guidance on where to go to get tested, and then notify that medical treatment facility by phone for further guidance.


  • What about high risk AD members with asthma and their family members? We have 14 days where members can be compromised…and their families.

    While there are no current cases of COVID-19 on Buckley AFB, everyone should follow the Center for Disease Control recommended guidance for those exhibiting symptoms: staying home if you’re sick, separating yourself from other people and animals in your home, calling ahead before visiting a doctor, wearing a facemask, avoid sharing personal household items, cleaning hands often and cleaning “high-touch” surfaces every day.


  • Could we allow military members to wear PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) in uniform to limit sickness/spread?

    No need currently. No confirmed cases on Buckley AFB.


  • What are the symptoms?

    Fever, cough, shortness of breath. For more information please go to