Space Delta 4 Leadership visits 7 SWS

  • Published
  • By 2nd Lt. Anna Cagle

Space Delta 4 Leadership traveled to Beale Air Force Base, California on March 29, 2021, to visit one of their geographically separated units, 7th Space Warning Squadron and their “Bandits.”

During their visit, DEL 4’s leadership team toured the Upgraded Early Warning Radar (UEWR) and learned about 7 SWS’s intent for the future of Space Battle Management. Beginning with the threats faced by 7 SWS, moreover DEL 4 as a whole, the Bandits built on how they are attacking the current climate of the space domain and their vision to strengthen UEWR readiness with their priorities: developing and leading UEWR and Long Range Discrimination Radar Training-Next, advancing mission planning and intel, and building strong leaders and families. The 100+ person squadron is key in providing excellent missile warning not only at 7 SWS, but also by providing foundational weapon system training to all future UEWR operators.

The Bandit team painted a picture of the 2030 fight by presenting their vision and progress toward modernization of the Ground Based Radar network. Projects spanning local software in development by in-house Supra Coder and young developers to increase accuracy, efficiency, and communication among Space Battle Management units globally, to partnerships with academic and commercial institutions to test and advance the capabilities of space domain awareness assets. The DEL 4 team was able to witness a 7 SWS Mission Planning Cell in action to see how business is handled in the Sector Operations Center – Beale, referred to as SOC-B.

7 SWS portrayed how they employ their priorities and values while executing the mission, but they still had a one more value that they couldn’t wait to share with their senior leaders: having fun! While business was being handled, the team was treated with Bandit’s Special Recipe Popcorn and visual reminders in the form of murals and inspiration around the building that solidifies the importance of executing the mission thoroughly while having fun and building better leaders in the process. An honor was bestowed upon the team as their journey through the radar concluded on the rooftop, where they were able to take a few swings and send some golf balls into the distance. Later, military Bandits were treated to a mentorship breakout lunch with Col. Richard Bourquin, the DEL 4 commander and Chief Master Sgt. Willie Frazier, the DEL 4 senior enlisted leader, where each provided valuable and personal interactions with their officer and enlisted counterparts, respectively.

Although there was much more fun to be had at 7 SWS, the Bandits were excited to show their leadership some of the 9th Reconnaissance Wing units at their geographically-separated location. DEL 4 leadership was able to visit the Distributed Ground System-2 intelligence analysts to learn how they provide warfighters across the world with imagery and signals data collected from the U-2, Global Hawk, and Predator systems.

After discussing their mutual appreciation for the established partnership between 7 SWS and DEL 4 with the 9th Reconnaissance Wing, Col. Heather Fox, 9 RW commander, and Chief Master Sgt. Tori Jones, 9 RW command chief, sent the DEL 4 team on the last bit of fun before they departed Beale AFB.

DEL 4 received a tour and presentation of the U-2 Federal Laboratory to discuss possible implementation of observed processes into the U.S. Space Force. Then ended their trip in true Beale style by joining a U-2 pilot/Mobil Officer in a Chevrolet Camaro SS on a U-2 chase car ride to assist some U-2s in landing.

The 7 SWS had a blast with the DEL 4 leadership on their visit to Beale AFB. The Bandits are excited about the support provided by DEL 4 in their endeavors and vision for a modern and innovative strategic and theater missile warning network.