Space Delta 4 Hosts All Call

  • Published
  • By Senior Airman Shaun Combs

Space Delta 4 leadership hosted an all call to discuss subjects of overall health, wellness and current priorities for the delta with its members at Buckley Space Force Base, Colorado, Nov. 20, 2023.

At the all call, members from various categories were recognized for their achievements with an award ceremony. Categories included junior enlisted, non-commissioned officer, and extended to civilian categories.

Alongside the award winners, speakers from various health fields spoke on up-and-coming projects and new implementations to support the Delta. With these implementations, a mental health spokesperson from the Military Family Life Counseling services made remarks on health over the holidays and stress management. The spokesperson also took questions afterward.

U.S. Space Force Col. Ernest Schmitt, Space Delta 4 commander, offered remarks and a look into his priorities for the Delta and its mission, and explained the importance of their concurrent no-fail mission.

“We protect human lives,” Schmitt declared, his words cutting the air amongst the crowd. “That’s not ambiguous at all. We do that from the strategic level all the way down to the tactical level.”

With further remarks from Schmitt, outlining the future he envisions for DEL 4, he also promised that the health of his team members is a top priority of his.

U.S. Space Force Chief Master Sgt. Kyle Mullen, Space Delta 4 senior enlisted leader, explained the importance of fitting into the mission and really understanding what tangible trackable goals can do for the delta, as well as remembering where they started.

“We have to have a point that we look back to,” Mullen exclaimed, eyeing the room as he spoke. “If we can’t look back, why are we doing it? What is our purpose? Where do we come from? Otherwise, we are going to be lost, and trying to hit a constantly moving target.”

Mullen closed out his remarks with a heartfelt thank you to his team, both in person and virtually across DEL 4’s multiple Geographically Separated Units, for what they do for their country, and what they do for the Space Force.

Semper Supra. Videmus Mundum.