Space Base Delta 2 All Call

  • Published
  • By Airman 1st Class Joshua Hollis

U.S. Space Force Col. Heidi Dexter, Space Base Delta 2 commander, alongside U.S. Air Force Chief Master Sgt. Sharma Haynes, Senior Enlisted Leader of Space Base Delta 2, spoke at an all call alongside senior leaders and members of the installation at the Buckley Fitness Center, Buckley Space Force Base, Colorado, Nov. 17, 2023.

Dexter delivered details on recent strategic changes, shedding light on how Buckley is adapting to meet the challenges posed by evolving global dynamics.

“Secretary Kendall gave the confirmation to the senior leaders to look at how we are organized to best present forces to the joint forces and the combatant commanders,” said Dexter. “There's a little bit of change fatigue, and standing up the Space Force brought a lot of changes to our mission. Expect more of that."

Building on this, Haynes added key insights regarding recent worldwide events, underscoring the need for preparedness in the face of unpredictability.

"We're evolving to this model for three words: great power competition,” Haynes stated. “When competition converts to conflict, we will be ready.”

The common thread is our proactive stance, preparing for the evolving landscape of competition around the world.

Alongside the command driven information regarding installation changes and preparedness, multiple members across the unit discussed mental health resilience, operational security, and collective involvement in enhancing the mission.