Artist’s rendering of WGS-11+


The end of an era

  • Published
  • By Airman First Class Andrew Garavito
  • Buckley Garrison Public Affairs

The new Buckley Garrison took a big step Friday, retiring the 460th Space Wing sign on the Headquarters building. Col. Devin Pepper, Buckley Garrison commander, and Chief Master Sgt. Robert Devall, Buckley Garrison command chief, took part in the removal process of the 460th Space Wing sign on the Headquarters building August 7, 2020.  “The end of an era, ” said Pepper. “After nearly 16 years of being the 460th Space Wing, I am honored to lead the new Buckley Garrison.”The sign was taken to the historian for historical purposes after it was taken down, along with the other 460th Space Wing signs and shields. It weighs about 300 pounds. Buckley Garrison falls under the United States Space Force for day-to-day operations.