Artist’s rendering of WGS-11+


  • Leading the Way

    For the past 18 months, I have had the honor of leading the most unique squadron I have encountered during my career. I have been continually amazed at the hand-chosen Airmen accomplishing such a diverse range of tasks to directly support the 460th Space Wing mission - Persistent Global

  • Indecision is a decision

    I think we have all experienced the uncomfortable effects of indecision in our lives. A couple common examples that come to my mind are going to a restaurant with a group of people and opening a menu that has a lot of delicious dishes to choose from. The server comes and asks your group for their

  • What’s your social thumbprint?

    We've all done it; in a vain sense of curiosity to see if our social presence has made any kind of impact on the world. Just admit it - you've Googled yourself.Since entering the golden age of social media, it seems that now it's not hard to gather a handful of information on just about anyone, even

  • My four tenets of leadership

    Over the last 29 years, I have read a lot of books and blogs. I have served with and spent time with great leaders from all services and the interagency. Most of all, I have spent a lot of time at the school of hard knocks.Now, as a brigadier general, I have boiled these experiences down to four

  • Driving innovation together at Buckley Air Force Base

    I was struck by how fortunate we are here at Buckley Air Force Base last month as we honored the achievements of our outstanding Airmen, Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and Coast Guardsmen at our Team Buckley Annual Awards Ceremony.There were several highlights for me, including Command Chief Master Sgt.

  • If you see something, say something

    If you see something, say something.This has become a catch phrase for law enforcement professionals around the country in recent years and has become major campaign lead by the United States Department of Homeland Security. This phrase asks average citizens to break away from the ease of ignoring a

  • Are ethics for lawyers or leaders?

    At an ethics course I recently attended, the instructor posed the following question: Has the ethics program become too much of a program that belongs to lawyers rather than leaders?Have we shifted from looking at ethics as a tool leaders can use to enhance the culture of their commands, to looking

  • Panthers: Help B3T by exhibiting C3T

    Building a Better Buckley is a recurring theme you may often hear from the 460th Space Wing Commander Col. John Wagner. Realizing he can't do it alone, he has empowered us to assemble as a team to bring that concept to life. We can do this by exhibiting the following three characteristics:

  • Pilot's tragic end to a life lived supersonic

    Standing at midfield with a proud grin on his face, William "Ham" DuBois raised the game ball above his head as thousands of fans cheered the life of his son, Capt. William H. "Pyro" DuBois, on Jan. 11 at Sports Authority Field in Denver. The Broncos organization honored Captain DuBois, a native of

  • A letter to our veterans

    This year marks the 100th anniversary of the beginning of World War I.  That dreadful conflict introduced the horrors of mechanized industrial warfare on a massive scale.  No nation was prepared for the slaughter that was wrought, with over 16 million deaths and another 20 million casualties.  That