A Story of Progress--Building a Better Buckley AFB Together

  • Published
  • By Col. John Wagner
I'm truly encouraged by the great feedback I've been getting on the progress around the BAFB installation.  However, the significant improvements you're seeing now and the even better ones coming in the near future are only possible because we have truly outstanding Airmen and true leaders, regardless of rank, who are turning our goals into reality -- and I'm honored to serve with each of them.  They deserve all the credit for our success and they are the ones you should thank for all our progress.  Who are they?

They are our outstanding wing members and partners who truly care about their mission and people;

They are the leaders who don't walk by even small problems and solve our most pressing issues;

They are the ones who say "If not us, who?" and "If not now, when?";

They are the positive energy behind the excitement and transformation in our expanding missions;

They are committed to B3T - Building a Better Buckley Together; and "They" are very likely "YOU."

If you don't have a substantial list in your mind of all they've done just over the past year and you're asking, "What have they done for me lately", I'll give you just a few examples.  

- 460 MSG Team, led by Col Rose Jourdan, CMSgt Yasmeen Wilson, and SMSgt Joe Smith: Reactivated paramedics; Designed new SBIRS ops facility (replacing 1970's-era buildings) and a base entry large vehicle inspection facility; activated new Base Defense Ops Center and enhanced electronic monitoring; Made numerous base gate and traffic flow improvements; Installed new entry signage and marquees; Integrated 460 SW and 140 Wg SFS capabilities; Secured funding and DoD approval to expand base borders to preserve future BAFB missions; Revitalized the Community Center and Panther Den food, atmosphere, and entertainment; Fixed numerous fence issues and added a school pedestrian gate; Improved SFS equipment and training; Designed new youth sports fields and improved youth center programs to include Operation Future Forces; Fixed leaky BX/Commissary Roofs; Rebuilt roads and parking lots; Removed 52+ inches of snow and ice; Remodeling our two dormitories; Fixed water flow issues; Reaccredited our two award-winning CDCs; Added our first crossfit-like multi-function gym and our first parent-child workout area; Fixing obsolete mission critical power and cooling systems; Consolidating Logistics Readiness efforts between the 460th and 140th Wings; Earned the first Gold Certification from the American Hotel Institute among any USAF lodging facility; Solved off-base Security Forces transit risks; Developing first-ever on-base CCAF accredited classes; Rebuilt the Buckley Attic for junior personnel and families; Added Key Spouse and Heartlink training; Added our first late-night dining options; Built and ran the "FunFest" base picnic for over 4,000 attendees along with Breakfasts with the Easter Bunny and Santa; and Built, hosted, and, yes... won the tri-wing sports competition.     

- 460 MDG Team, led by Col Mike Kindt and CMSgt Mark Stagray: Gained approval from the Secretary of the Air Force for co-locating all our dispersed medical teams to Buckley by 2017; Designed/building the newest Dental Clinic in the Air Force (last one was built in 1986) and our first on-base dental care; Redesigned and are completely renovating treatment centers; Adding a new aeromedical dental squadron; Developed an expired drug take-back and disposal service; Decreased drug refill time from 3 days to less than 1 day and tripled the number of prescriptions filled per day, resulting in 17,000 filled per month; Completed the medical warehouse addition, doubling the available space; Tripled the parking capacity for the new base treatment facilities; Enhanced Total Force partnerships to utilize Guard and Reserve facilities during medical center renovations; Earned 3-year accreditation for patient care; Participated in base-wide and off-base exercises for the first time; Conducted combat medic training; and provided over 90% patient satisfaction despite construction and dispersed care.  

- 460 OG Team, led by Col Mike Jackson and CMSgt Joe Stratil: On-point as the "Bellringers for National Security" reporting over 8,000 mission events this year while running four 24x7 operations floors simultaneously; Adding a new spacecraft mission center that fundamentally improves how we warn the President and Combatant Commanders that someone is attacking our homeland, our forces or allies with the most dangerous weapons on the planet; Added multiple mission training courses and now conducting initial mission qualification training; Adding a new squadron to improve Battlespace Awareness around the Globe; Significantly enhancing our sensor capabilities; Improving global communications; earning "Excellent" on two cyber inspections (second best installation score in USAF); Adding launch and early orbit capabilities; Rebuilding deficient infrastructure; Increasing process resiliency and standardization for critical operations; and Improving total force support and integration.

- Wing Staff, led by Col Scott Romberger, Mr. Rob Myhre, and Command CMSgt Brian Kruzelnick: Supported Auto Hobby Club and securing a Base Auto Hobby Shop; Enhanced Airman Leadership School (with increased virtual learning & new I-Pads) and developed professional development and mentoring courses for First Term Airmen, NCOs, and CGOs; Revitalizing chapel programs and renovating audiovisual capabilities; Designed and built new base Inspector General, Sexual Assault Response Coordinator and Equal Opportunity office areas; Rebuilt the wing exercise program and Installation Command Center; Enhanced BAFB Command Post capabilities; Redesigned/Modernized a more effective wing headquarters; Fostering improved communication and support within the wing and among our 89 tenant units; Waived non-value added and low risk requirements to eliminate unnecessary tasks; Increased support to military members and their families; and performed inspections that effectively assessed our wing and installation performance.

The lists go on, but there's not enough ink to list them all.  If you are supporting these amazing leaders in Building a Better Buckley Together, I truly thank you.  Countless people will benefit from your hard work today, tomorrow, and for many years to come in the exciting future you're building on Buckley Air Force Base.