Amazing April -- Inspections, Exercises, Distinguished Visitors, and B3T

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It has been an amazing few weeks and it’s hard to believe we’re already through April and into May of 2016. Just in the past 30 days, we completed the GLOBAL LIGHTNING exercise; cut the ribbon on our recently expanded fire department bunkhouse; hosted distinguished leaders on BAFB to include the Commander of U.S. Strategic Command, the Deputy Secretary of Defense, the Commander of the Space and Missile Systems Center, Congressional Staff Delegations, the Air Force Civil Engineer, and several national press corps members; held workshops and events on sexual assault awareness and prevention; worked with the USO to facilitate their future presence on base; held two base-wide town hall interchanges; held the Community Action Information Board and Human Capital Management Board; and we culminated our eight-day AFSPC Inspector General Unit Effectiveness Capstone Inspection with an “Effective” rating with numerous wing personnel recognized as professional performers and part of professional teams.

In addition we performed our no-fail global warning mission while expanding battlespace awareness messaging to every Combatant Command, worked on expanding our mission with new units and associated beddown plans on BAFB, maintained medical readiness while advancing construction of our treatment facility and new dental clinic, maintained security, cleared and repaired our roadways, added infrastructure advancements, conducted flight line support, increased support to our Airmen and their families, and advanced new capabilities in every squadron…Wow! What an amazing team we have. If you didn’t get a chance to participate in our Wing Down Day on 18 April, please work with your chain to take your day off to spend with your family and enjoy Colorado; you definitely deserve it.

Your contributions are what made this wing and Buckley AFB a better place to live and work. Your daily leadership, innovation, energy, and professionalism in ‘Building a Better Buckley Together’ (B3T) has made a huge positive difference in our missions and in the quality of life for all of our Airmen and their families. While we were just awarded the Omaha Trophy as the Best Global Operations Unit in U.S. Strategic Command, Admiral Haney inspired us during the presentation to not simply be satisfied with the past, and it’s readily apparent that you are charging forward to repeat the Omaha Trophy win in 2016.

Moreover, the AFSPC Inspector General team observed how you:
- Displayed a strong sense of unit pride, professionalism, and customs and courtesies
- Used innovative approaches to overcome challenges of limited manpower, funds and facilities
- Proficiently executed mission requirements during an unprecedented dynamic environment; and
- Are good stewards of Airmen's time while advancing professional development programs.

You should take ample pride in those words--they are powerful. Coupled with your AF Core Value-centric leadership, I can’t ask for any more than that. Thank you for your positive, professional energy! I am extremely proud to serve with you.