Staff Sgt. Eric Pylka, 460th Logistics Readiness Squadron

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Staff Sgt. Eric Pylka, NCO in Charge of Mobility Training, 460th Logisitics Readiness Squadron, is Team Buckley's Warrior of the Week for July 4-July 11.

Sergeant Castro has served in the Air Force for 12 years and hails from Babbitt, a small mining town in northern Minnesota.

What is the combat capability that this person exemplified to earn the title, "Warrior of the Week?"

Staff Sgt. Pylka consistently provides the highest caliber product," said Andrew Mills, Mobility Training Flight Chief. "He's unwilling to accept the status quo even when the process improvement will result in an initial additional workload to him. His focus is mission capability for the 460th Space Wing."

How do your day-to-day duties impact the Air Force mission?

"My job as an Air Transportation Craftsman provides combatant commanders the ability to quickly move personnel and equipment to the fight anywhere around the globe. Being the Unit Deployment Manager, I ensure individuals of the 460 LRS are ready to deploy."

If you could change one thing about the Air Force what would it be?

"I would make some minor changes to the PT uniform. I would change the material to a much quieter fabric with longer shorts and pants that do not have elastic around the bottom."

Why do you serve?

"I initially came into the military to travel and further my education. After numerous deployments and leadership opportunities, my goal has changed to committing myself to making the Air Force a career and keeping my country and everyone in it free."

What has been your most memorable experience in the Air Force?

"My most memorable experience would be my first deployment to Kandahar, Afghanistan in 2002-03. It was my first 6-month deployment, the mission was very exciting and always constant, and I met many actors, actresses and celebrities. On a sadder note, I learned the respect and honor given to a fallen military member while deployed. On numerous occasions I was given the privilege to perform Honor Guard-type duties to ensure the fallen departed with the utmost respect and honor."

What is your most memorable personal accomplishment?

"My most memorable personal accomplishment would be my selection for technical sergeant this year."

If you were not in the military, where would you be? Why?

"Considering that mining is the main industry around my hometown, I probably would have worked in them; however, recently the majority of the mines have closed down due to quality and quantity of the iron ore, so I more than likely would have ventured towards Minneapolis for a job in another industry."

Where would you like to be in 10 years? What will you be doing?

"I see myself either spending my 22nd year in the Air Force as a senior NCO or working as a civilian for the Air Force."

Military accomplishments: 
- Selected for SrA below-the-zone
- Four deployments
- Two Commendation Medals
- Two Achievement Medals