Tech. Sgt. Edward Wise, 460th SVD

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Tech. Sgt. Edward Wise, Non-Commissioned Officer in Charge of the Mile High Honor Guard, 460th Services Division, is Team Buckley's Warrior of the Week for Jan. 30 - Feb. 5.

Sgt. Wise has served 19 years in the Air Force and hails from Delhi, La., the birthplace of Tim McGraw. He enjoys spending free time with his family, camping, fishing and four-wheeling.

What is the combat capability that this person exemplified to earn the title, "Warrior of the Week?"
"It has been said that families look to a ceremonial guardsman when military funeral honors are rendered as the last farewell," said Ms. Birgit Baldwin, Director of Services. "Sergeant Wise is that NCO. Daily, he and his 20-member Honor Guard team display strength, courage and focus on being strong to keep a very sharp, Air Force professional image. That is my reason why Sergeant Wise is Warrior of the Week."

How do your day-to-day duties impact the Air Force mission?
The Honor Guard's primary mission is to render military honors to Air Force personnel and their families during funeral services. To that end we provide comfort to Air Force members past and present that if something happens to them we will take every possible measure to appropriately honor their family and their memory.

If you could change one thing about the Air Force what would it be?
Retention -- I have seen the Air Force let go some of its sharpest, most committed, highly motivated troops.

Why do you serve?
I want to give the family of our fallen heroes a positive last impression of their loved one's military service. I know someday my family will receive military funeral honors for the service I've rendered the United States. I want to know I've done my part to ensure the honors they receive are the absolute best they can possibly be.

What has been your most memorable experience in the Air Force?
My grandfather, an Army veteran, passed away in April 2005. No one from the local Army Honor Guard showed up to perform honors at his funeral so my Brother -- prior Army -- and I performed the flag folding sequence and presented the flag to my grandmother.

What is your most memorable personal accomplishment?
Honor Guard NCO of the Year for Air Force Space Command 2006. I was assigned to the Defense Finance and Accounting Service at the time and was the first non-AFSPC asset to win the award.

If you were not in the military, where would you be? Why?
Most likely working in the oilfield back home. It's been the family business for generations and what everyone expected me to do.

Where would you like to be in 10 years? What will you be doing?
I would like to be right here at Buckley Air Force Base. Honoring those who served by running the Honor Guard as a civilian, Honor Guard Program Manager.

Military accomplishments:
AF Personnel Manager of the Year 1998
Air Force Special Operations Command Airman of the Year 1998
AFSPC Honor Guard Program Manager of the Year 2006