Artist’s rendering of WGS-11+


  • High expectations

    I witnessed authentic leadership in a 16 year-old high school marching band percussionist. At a state-wide competition, her band was staged in a parking lot overlooking the football field waiting for their time to perform. She and a small number of other musicians were watching a competing band on

  • Leadership and Parenthood

    Have you ever been with a supervisor and heard these words, “Let me tell you what the kids at work did today?” Most know the “kids at work” refers to the leader’s subordinates. Why do we call them kids instead of Airmen or some other general term? I think one of the reasons is because much like

  • Managing conflict

    As a commander, one of the most difficult things to do is effectively manage conflict with individuals both internal and external in your organization. Unfortunately, as a manager, if you’re going to do your job, you have no choice.Looking back now over my career, I can recall several conflicts