Artist’s rendering of WGS-11+

Retiree Activities Office

Retiree Activities Program seal graphic

Buckley Retiree Activities Office

The Buckley SFB military Retiree Activities Office (RAO) exists to provide support to over 28,000 military retirees and spouses or widows of military retirees in northern Colorado. We provide support to military retirees from all Services, not just the Air Force. RAO staff can help retirees/surviving spouses with questions and/or problems they have related to their military service and/or military related benefits. We typically assist with issues such as DEERS/ID cards, casualty assistance, Gray Area Guard/Reserve retirement filing, Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP), TRICARE/Medicare, the Veterans Administration (VA), retired pay, military records, wills, powers of attorney, prescriptions, base services, etc. While our main customer base is military retirees, we are also happy to assist any veterans with less than 20 years of service who have issues related to their military service time and/or military related benefits.

The Buckley Retiree Activities Office is currently located in Room 104 of Bldg. 606. Inside the main door take a left then the first hallway on your right.

The RAO Director is continually recruiting dedicated personnel with a military background who would like to join our staff of those of us who are "Still Serving".

Click here to visit the Air Force Retiree Activities Program website at

We encourage everyone who has contacted the RAO for support to provide some feedback, and constructive criticism, by filling out a customer survey at: RAO Survey   We want to hear from you, and we welcome your suggestions on how we can improve our support! If your survey requires a response from the RAO, you need to include your name/contact info in Question 10.


Latest News and Links

February 2025 Newsletter (NEW)

DFAS - Military Gray Area Retirees myPay Accounts (4 Nov 21)


Buckley Pharmacy

The Pharmacy Would Like to Hear from You! Pharmacy Survey

Pharmacy - GENESIS Prescription Refills Sheet (Mar 2024)

Pharmacy - Prescription Activation Trifold (Jan 2025)
Pharmacy Closures in 2025
The Pharmacy needs volunteers - Pharmacy Volunteer Application

Reporting a Retiree Death

Reporting a retiree's death

Surviving family members of retired Air Force personnel residing in the United States may report the death of a member, and receive personal assistance in applying for eligible benefits on their behalf by contacting:

  • The Casualty Assistance Representative (CAR) at the nearest Air Force Base Military Personnel Flight, Customer Service.
  • Buckley's CAR phone number at 720-847-6946.
  • Headquarters, Air Force Personnel Center toll-free at 1-877-353-6807. This system will connect your phone call directly to the CAR that will assist you. Voice mail is available after duty hours. Family members who leave a message will be called back the next duty day
  • DFAS-Indianapolis Customer Service at their toll-free number 1-888-332-7411
  • The nearest U.S. embassy or Consulate for overseas families
    NOTE: If telephone notification is impossible, you may send the information to HQ AFPC/DPWCS, 550 C Street West, Suite 14, Randolph AFB, TX 78150-4716. Enclose a copy of the death certificate and the information below. This information will be forwarded to the CAR nearest you for them to assist you.

Please have the following information available when making the notification

  • Retiree's full name, grade, Social Security number, date of retirement
  • Date and place (city and state) of death
  • Cause (layman's terms) of death
  • Name, relationship, phone number, and address of the next of kin
  • Date and place of funeral, if known (General officers only)


End of Life Planning Checklist


Reporting Death of Service Member/Spouse

Receiving military retired or annuitant pay


Air Force, Army, Marine, Navy

Call Defense Finance Accounting Agency (DFAS) 800-321-1080 or 216-552-5955


Coast Guard

Call Coast Guard Personnel Center 800-772-8724


Reserve Gray Area Retirees/Spouse


Air Force: Call Air Reserve Personnel Center (ARPC) 800-525-0102

Army: Call Army Human Resources Command (AHRC) 888-276-9472

Marines: Call Marine Personnel Center 800-847-1597

Navy: Call Navy Personnel Center 866-827-5672

Coast Guard: Call Coast Guard Personnel Center 800-772-8724

Contact Us

Help Desk: 720-847-6693
Director: 720-847-9213


Hours of Operation 

Monday         0900-1500

Tuesday        0800-1400

Wednesday   1000-1300

Thursday       0900-1200

Friday            0900-1500

Note: These are our “typical” hours but they are very fluid, based on the availability of our volunteers. If you want to meet with someone in the office you should call beforehand to ensure someone will be here.

460 SW/CVR, 18401 East A-Basin Ave, Stop 95, Buckley SFB, CO 80011

Retiree Information & Resources

RAO Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer at the RAO
The Retiree Activities Office encourages retirees, spouses and annuitants to volunteer to support the active and retired communities. Please fill out the application form below and return it to the office or call 720-847-9213.

RAO Volunteer Application

RAO Committees
The RAO has representatives on several base-affiliated committees.

Medical links

Military Tricare System


Tricare SMART Site

Tricare Benefits for Retired Members, Families

Tricare Take Command Changes & Benefit Updates (ck monthly)                                                                          

Allowable Charges

Delta Dental Program

Formulary Information                                               


Mail Order Express Scripts Pharmacy              


Tricare Pharmacy Information                         


My Tricare Claims West Region 


Tricare for Life Information


VA Eastern CO Health Care System 


Space Available Travel

VA Benefits Advisors

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is concerned about the stressful impact that the transition from military to civilian life has on servicemembers and their families. The VA has made it a part of its mission to ensure servicemembers their families, retirees and veterans are aware of the VA benefits which are available. Through Benefits Advisors, servicemembers their families, retirees and veterans have access to resources and information about VA benefits.

In partnership with the Department of Defense the VA provides Benefits Advisors to assist servicemembers and their families with their transition. As part of the Transition Assistance Program (TAP), the VA has more than 300 VA Benefits Advisors stationed at more than 280 military installations around the world. VA Benefits Advisors conduct the mandatory VA Benefits I and II Briefings and are available for one-on one appointments to assist transitioning servicemembers, retirees, veterans and their families. In addition, VA Benefits Advisors are also available to meet to answer questions about VA benefits, eligibility requirements, and application processes.

Many of the VA Benefits Advisors are Veterans or military spouses themselves. They understand the unique needs of retirees and veterans and can relate to many of the challenges servicemembers may face upon returning to civilian life. Don’t wait to take advantage of your VA Benefits Advisors’ knowledge and expertise. You can talk to your advisor in person or on the phone to discuss your specific VA questions and concerns. Just call 720-847-4838 to talk to a Benefits Advisor at Buckley SFB or visit the office at Bldg 606 Room 106A at 18401 East A-Basin Ave between 8:00 am and 430 pm. Choose VA!

VA Benefits Advisor

Tyrone Groce 720-847-4838

Richard Wegemann 720-847-4838