Artist’s rendering of WGS-11+


OBAC Ribbon Cutting

  • Published
  • By Airman 1st Class Aleece Williams
  • Space Base Delta 2 Public Affairs

Members of Team Buckley participated in a ribbon cutting, commemorating the grand opening of the new Overhead Persistent Infrared (OPIR) Battlespace Awareness Center on July 5, 2023, in the Mission Control Station at Buckley Space Force Base, Colo.

This ribbon cutting opened the doors to a new space operations floor that will provide the 11th Space Warning Squadron with a progressive working environment that will contain capabilities such as the Space Awareness and Global Exploitation (SAGE), Strategic Operationally Agile Response (SOAR) and Future Operationally Resilient Ground Evolution (FORGE).

“These capabilities represent a leap forward in the detection, identification and tracking of adversarial next-generation weapon systems, increase the exploitation of technical intelligence data and strengthen post-event analysis of complex events,” said Col. Miguel Cruz, Space Delta 4 commander.

While the Space Force is still in its infancy, events such as advancing operational floor abilities are indicative of the steps that the Space Force is taking to foster and refine global space operations day in and day out.

The new space operations floor will allow Guardians access to more advanced weapon systems that will allow them to enhance operations that strengthen the way joint and coalition forces fight.

“The OPIR Battlespace Awareness Center will push the envelope on exploitation of OPIR data and this could not come at a better time to meet several emerging threats,” said Lt. Col. Michael Hall, 11th Space Warning Squadron commander. “So lucky to be a Knight and a part of this epic new ops floor build!”