The Navy Information Operations Command Colorado originally stood up Nov. 1, 1995, as the Navy Security Group Activity Denver. The unit quickly grew from a small Navy detachment with less than 30 Sailors to a command with more than 170 Navy personnel.
In December 2005, the Chief of Naval Operations disestablished Commander, Naval Security Group Command and integrated those functions into the newly formed Commander, Navy Network Warfare Command. As a result, NSGA Denver was renamed as a Navy Information Operations Command and became NIOC - Colorado.
In July 2009, the Secretary of Defense proposed the establishment of the United States Cyber Command and later that year, the Navy reorganized to form its components to United States Cyber Command - called Fleet Cyber Command. NIOC Colorado's operational reporting transferred from Navy Network Warfare Command to Fleet Cyber Command.
While the command may have changed names throughout the years, one thing has remained the constant throughout its storied history - the Sailors are trained to support the warfighter, Buckley Air Force Base, and the surrounding community. Today, NIOC Colorado boasts a complement in excess of 300 professional Sailors.