Artist’s rendering of WGS-11+


EnvironmentalWelcome to Buckley Space Force Base's environmental page. Here, you'll find everything related to Buckley's impact on its environment and what the base does to minimize that impact.

The base operates a Community Advisory Group (CAG) that meets on a semiannual basis to discuss environmental projects at the base. Generally it meets on the third Thursday of the months of April and October.

Information about Buckley's Environmental Restoration Program and Environmental Compliance Program is provided below.


The purpose of Buckley's Environmental Restoration Program is to clean up environmental contamination from historical activities on base. Information on restoration sites included in the program can be found in the Buckley SFB Information Repository (IR). The IR contains all Final Environmental Restoration documents to include work plans, reports, CAG minutes, and correspondence with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The IR is available on CD in the lower level of the Aurora Central Library (14949 East Alameda Avenue, Aurora, CO) on the References shelf; ask library staff if you need help finding it. Please call the library at 303-739-6600 for hours of operation.  In addition, the IR can be accessed electronically by following the link at the bottom of the page.

In addition, the latest status of restoration sites can be obtained through semiannual Site Status Reports which are distributed to the CAG email list in January and July and saved in the IR. Should you have any additional questions about Buckley's Environmental Restoration Program, please contact  Buckley's Restoration Program Manager, at 720-847-7159.


While the Restoration Program addresses issues from past activities, the Environmental Compliance Program assures compliance in current activities. Buckley SFB is committed to leadership and stewardship in protecting the environment, the prevention of pollution, and continual improvement. These are primary responsibilities of each person utilizing or working on the installation in any capacity.


Buckley Space Force Base must comply with federal regulations related to environmental protection while ensuring mission accomplishment. One of the primary environmental laws impacting Buckley SFB is the Clean Water Act (CWA), whose purpose, in part, is to protect and restore the physical, chemical, and biological integrity of our waterways by controlling and limiting discharges of pollutants. In accordance with the CWA, Buckley SFB qualifies as a small municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) requiring coverage under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) for storm water discharges; Buckley SFB was issued MS4 Permit Number COR042003 by the Region 8 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) with an effective date of 1 Nov 2023 replacing the previous Buckley SFB MS4 permit that had been in place since 2004. Also in accordance with the CWA, Buckley SFB was issued Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) Number COR05F004 which authorizes stormwater discharges associated with our Air Transportation Facilities, the one industrial activity occurring at Buckley SFB that requires coverage under the MSGP; the 2021 MSGP, Buckley Space Force Base's current MSGP, replaced the 2015 MSGP on 1 Mar 2021.

In general, requirements of the Buckley SFB MS4 Permit are to reduce the discharge of pollutants and to protect water quality of the receiving waters. The stormwater management program (SWMP) is a comprehensive program, required by the MS4 permit, that implements permit requirements through Best Management Practices organized into the following six Minimum Control Measures: Public Education and Outreach, Public Involvement and Participation, Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination, Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control, Post-Construction Stormwater Management in New Development and Redevelopment, and Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations. A copy of the MS4 Permit Annual Report, which is submitted to Region 8 EPA no later than the permit mandated deadline of April 1, each permit year is provided for reference below. Additionally, the MS4 permit also requires that the SWMP be reviewed annually in conjunction with preparation of the annual report; a copy of the current SWMP, is publicly available for review and comment below.

The stormwater pollution prevention plan or SWPPP is driven by the 2021 MSGP and contains procedures intended to minimize the risk of industrial storm water pollution reaching stormwater drainage infrastructure and conveyances. The SWPPP describes the following: the Identification and evaluation of activities and potential storm water pollution sources, the Identification and implementation of storm water Best Management Practices (BMPs), pollution reduction measures and procedures as well as monitoring and inspection procedures. Be advised that the SWPPP is reviewed at least annually and is updated no later than 45 days after conducting the final routine facility inspection for the year.

For questions regarding the MS4 Permit or MSGP implementation, please contact the Water Quality Program at or 720-847-4655.


As we continue Building a Better Buckley Together, just a quick reminder about our "avian" base residents during this time of year.


Birds and their nests are protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act or MBTA. Additionally, Western Burrowing Owl nests have been located on the base in the past and could potentially use Buckley Space Force Base (BSFB) to nest in the future. Their nesting season spans from early March to mid-October and these owls are afforded protections not only by the MBTA but also by being listing as a state threatened species. If seen, please do not approach nesting areas and do not stop motor vehicles along roadways to view them. If you have any specific questions regarding Western Burrowing Owls, please contact the BSFB U.S. Fish and Wildlife Biologist at 303-378-7233.


Unit Training Managers or tenant organizations POC’s who have questions regarding access to natural areas on BSFB for training activities should coordinate with the installation Natural Resource Manager at 720-847-7245.